
Things I want in 2013.

1. 5th generation iPod touch
Ps: I normally don't go for pink stuff, but for phone/iPod (not camera though), a big yes!

 2. Instant polaroid camera
I've been wanting one for so long, but this one would definitely be an impulse buying.

3. Poker set.
And I'm desperate to play too. =\

4. Gucci Guilty Intence EDP
Loved it the first second I tried it on. :)

So much more wants, yet I'm not earning enough to afford it all.
Hence, I've come to a brilliant decision. 
Before this, I've been procrastinating way too long. 
Now is the time! I will work extremely hard for what I want.
Same goes to all of you people out there. 
Good luck! 
Ciao, people!

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